József Bór, Earle R. Williams and Dániel Piri
Geophysical Observatory Reports, 2023-2024, 50-68 (2025)
DOI: 10.55855/gor2024.4

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The global activity of tropospheric sources of atmospheric electricity can be monitored by near-surface measurements of the parameters of the atmospheric global electric circuit. Measuring the air-Earth vertical electric current on long power transmission lines in fair weather conditions promises an applicable solution for that purpose. The implementation of such a measurement is considered and an unenergized power distribution line of 14.5 km length near western border of Hungary was examined to determine whether it is suitable for further investigations. It was found that a 2.2 km-long segment of the line might be used for that after further testing. This report summarizes the experiences of the first testing of the line, including theoretical considerations on the expected magnitude of the electrical quantities that can be measured on the line and performance of the applied tools and measuring devices. Practical guidelines for selecting the line and the measuring point on the line are derived and recommendations for further tests are given.

Cite this article

József Bór, Earle R. Williams and Dániel Piri (2025): Testing the Suitability of an Unenergized Power Line Near Szakony, Hungary for Measuring the Air-Earth Electric Current. Geophysical Observatory Reports, 2023-2024, 50-68. https://doi.org/10.55855/gor2024.4


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